I got TAGGED by miss naughty - Limzhi!!!
Name 5 people you can think of right off the top of your head.
For those who will be tagged by me later, please don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 5 people.
This is a lot funnier if you randomly list the names first. NO CHEATING!!
Hmm…I will choose five blog friends then…hehe~
1. Dong Dong
2. Anne
3. Barbie
4. Bin
5. Limzhi
1. How did you meet number 1? (Dong Dong)
Met through Internet.
2. On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your friendship with 1? (Dong Dong)
Hard to scale coz just know Dong Dong for few months. But at least more than 5. ^^
3. How long have you known 4? (Bin)
Around 5 years.
4. How do you know number 3? (Barbie)
Through her blog that full of disney cartoon and barbie dolls.
5. Where is 5? (Limzhi)
At home in Kangar, Perlis, Malaysia? Am I correct? Hehe~
6. A fact about number 1. (Dong Dong)
Greedy la, Chou Mei la, Bad…oops! Just one hor…haha, sry sry~
7. Who is 4 going out with? (Bin)
Pretty Yun Zai~
8. What does 1 do for a living? (Dong Dong)
Currently Dong Dong is having holidays, relaxing at home, yam cha-ing with friends, onlining, etc
9. Would you live with number 3? (Barbie)
Of course! She is my babe! I can play with her Barbie doll…and I am shocked to hear that she is studying law, wow~ Barbie dolls and law, not related at all, haha~ she is a cute friend, I guess I will have a lot of fun if I live with her. (not lesbian kind ah – copy from Limzhi)
10. What do you like about number 2? (Anne)
She is like my mui mui (although she is older than me few months, hehe) We have many similar things like careless, happy going, and CUTE!! She is a good friends to talk to, she will cheer you life up! That’s what I like about her.
11. Do you miss number 5? (Limzhi)
Ehem! Ehem! Erm…erm……OF CUZ I MISS!!! Miss her so much!!! (must say like this to avoid her from talking bad about me, kekkekekee)
12. Would you make out with number 4? (Bin)
OHNONONONONONOO!!! He is Double and no longer availale now.
13. What’s you opinion of number 2? (Anne)
Same with answer no. 10.
14. What’s your favourite memory with number 5? (Limzhi)
Chatting in c box non stop? Hehe~ ^^
15. What would you do if number 1 and 2 were going out? (Dong Dong & Anne)
LOL!! I will not do anything and will just wish them happily ever after, haha~But Anne already double oh, no chance for Dong Dong...
16. Ever had a long conversation with 5? (Limzhi)
Yes, in C box and comments, hehe~
17. Have you slept at 2’s house? (Anne)
Nope, but I would love to, Anne you welcome me?
18. Do you hang out with 3 alot? (Barbie)
Nope, she is far far away in Cambodia.
19. Who have you known the longest?
Bin Bin, he is not only my net friend but also my best friend’s bf.
20. How often do you talk to 1? (Dong Dong)
Very often especially through msn, haha~
21. How about 2? (Anne)
Sometimes in msn when she is not busy with her account, I still remember one time we were crazy, booming people’s shout boxes non stop, how many we boom? Around 6 if not mistaken.
22. Have you ever thought 3 more than a friend? (Barbie)
Of cuz! She is my Babe! Muakkss…
23. Would you go out for a date with 5? (Limzhi)
Ohh, Limzhi, I would love too, but your “ano” will jealous or not?
24. Do you dream about 2? (Anne)
LOL~No!! Anne, do you want me to dream of you?
25. What did number 4 do to you that you can never forget? (Bin)
He eats very slow? Oops! Sorry, what did he do to me ar? Hm…I think is giving me meaningful advises when I was in deep depression. Thanks Bin.
26. What have you done for 1 that the person never forgets? (Dong Dong)
Erm…I dunno wor, must ask Dong Dong, hehe~ Maybe singing??
27. Whats 3’s hobby? (Barbie)
Collecting Barbie Dolls, collecting Disney and pink pink stuff? Hehe~
I tag…
1) Anne
2) Bin (Revenge, kekeke~)
3) Akira
4) Mei Wah
5) Yung Wei (Revenge, kekeke~)
6) Barbie
7) Piggy
8) Su Wan
9) S型•樱戈子
10)Tau Sar Phneah
11) Vivi
12) Siang
Enjoy the tag~~ =)
5 weeks ago
哇, 我本人也中招?
哈哈, 好的, 那么我也奉陪吧...
>.< boo.......the bloggers i juz met..how to describe all the favourite wor~~~ >.<
OMG~~~~ i hav no time to do leh~~~ hutang 1st!!!!
haha.....i m so lucky tat...kekekeke~~~~~
HI HI......long time no see....still fine???
oh my sister!
why why why
What am I suppose to do? I saw that Anne said, hutang 1st wor..can hutang one ar? ha ha....
So touched... :')
U responded so fast!!
U remembered my location!!
U missed me!!
Muakz muakzzzzz~~
Btw, I also dunno who 'ano' is lehh..he/she never reveal also.
*sob sob* I got tagged heh heh... Just play around babe! Gonna do this wen i got time, okie?
((((Hug)))) Notice a big warm hug? Take care ya ^ ^ Yeah, you can come and live with me. Barbie gonna treat u well. <3 *muah muah*
Thanks for sharing....
oh my!!! got tagged by you? argh~~~ hahaha... okok... i will do it for sure! in the name of blogger~~~
y me again harr?!?!
erm...must ans urr?
哈哈, 我已经乖乖把它做完咯... 哈...
来~给你奖赏 - 摸摸头。 ^^
Aiyo, not telling you to choose all bloggers ma, you can choose friends ar family members ar, your darling etc. Ok, you can hutang me but must do when have time ar, hehe~ =p
Don't be so happy, i already edit my blog and tag you today, wahahahahahaha!!!
Now only ask me fine or not? Not fine coz you seldom visit me...Sob..T_T
Coz you are my didi ma so i need to tag you, ehehehee~ ^^Ok do it slowly when you have time, no rush k.
You just need to copy and paste my tag in your post and change your answer, it's easy, no worries.
Hutang like Anne? Cannot! Must do it quickly like Akira, hahaha~
No la, do it slowly when you have time k, no rush. I am such a kind girl.>.<
Hehe, of cuz i am very effective because it is a tag by Limzhi ma, must do it asap. Hehe~ ^^
Hehe, you slowly do k, take your time. >.< Ok if i have chance to go cambodia i will stay in your house, that time you have to bring me to travel ya. Hehe~ ^^ Biggest Hugss for you too! Eeeeee, can feel it? XD
You are much welcome, next time i gonna tag you, keke~
Aha, really will do it? Mei Wah so good, flying kisses to you. Muakss~~
You again? Coz you are too popular already, hehe~ Is ok if you are not into tag game, no need to answer la haha~ ^^
dreams i had my blog for u to view. u click on my name and check my profile, pls select beautiful girl blogger to view.
wait u comment
lah laha
Wow...I get introduced and tagged again.I think I have to delay to write the post.You just wait and see,all right?! :D
Hi you are welcome, i checked already but i didn't see my blog in beautiful girl blogger, haha~ ^^
Alright~ I will wait patiently.
Ohya, i can't leave comment in your blog i don't know what happen oh, you cannot log in too?
Hey,I just found that I need to write down 5 blog friends first.As I give a tough defination on 'friend',so I don't think I can get enough amount and I have to give up to take part in this tag.Sorry~~~
Ehm...about my blog.I did a maintenance from the afternoon till the night and just finished it.You can log in there and leave your words now. :)
Haha, it is not about blog friends, you can write whoever you want, your dear dear also can, but is ok, no need to do la~ Haha~ ^^
Ok, will leave words for you tomorrow.
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