Friday, February 22, 2008





贪心的人会说:"过了今天就没有红包拿了!" (这是我,哈哈)



在马来西亚, 渴望拍拖的男生会说:"捞柑!"

今年, 我一百八十度转变, 以前朋友叫我去抛柑, 我打死也不去, 现在不需要他们叫, 我会主动邀请别人去, 还会大声宣言:"谁要去抛柑? 跟我一起去! 我们一起去寻找白马王子, 哇哈哈哈哈哈!!"

好像有点"十月戒菜"的感觉 =_=" (广东话, 形容发春)

其实是因为从来没有见识过, 想去瞧一瞧, 凑一凑热闹, 真的啦~别怀疑我嘛~ :-p


首先, 人山人海, 别穿太多因为很热, 也别穿太少, 怕有"咸猪手"(广东话, 形容色魔)

一粒柑会卖 RM2, 以后谁要去抛, 记得从家里带柑去, 还有带水瓶去, 因为买一个矿泉水也要 RM2. 还有如果你够胆量的话, 记得带椅子去, 待会儿教你们怎样用, 哈哈~

现场有音乐播放,有无名DJ 主持节目 - 猜谜语, 猜中者可获得美女的柑, 上面有电话号码和名字. 有人放孔明灯和烟花.

只有寥寥无几的人捞柑而已, 千万别站在捞柑佬的旁边,或者在他们的视线范围内, 因为当你一抛柑,他会立刻就捞, 这样会让你很尴尬. 因为那些三八的观众(我就是其中一个三八观众)会拼命盯着你和捞柑佬 , 好像看戏那样. 另一方面, 如果你站在捞柑佬旁丢柑, 他没有任何行动的话, 那就真的.......更尴尬了, 很惨~我和诗诗仔都有去抛柑, 我鬼鬼祟祟地抛, 抛了后就立刻跑开, 好像抛炸弹似的, 做了亏心事.

为什么我说只有寥寥无几的人捞呢? 因为第一, 捞柑的竿需要用钱租. 第二, 会拿到谁的电话号码是个恐怖的未知数. 第三, 现在传统文化已渐渐消逝, 年轻一代比较开放和主动了, 直接向看中的女生拿电话号码, 一来不必给钱, 二来不怕会捞到恐龙的柑而且又可跟可爱美丽的妹妹聊天, 何乐不为?

这时, 为何椅子会派上用场? EHEM! 当然是摆一个诱人的姿势, 坐在椅子上等男生走过来要电话号码啦! 哈哈~~

诗诗仔好有魅力哦! 她一坐下来, 就有一个男人在我面前徘徊, 眼神猛盯着诗诗仔, 然后战战兢兢地走近诗诗仔跟她要电话, 可喜可贺~~

我的遭遇又如何? 想知道? 不告诉你们, 哇哈哈哈~~


New Year

Today is the last day of new year, hope everyone had been through a great and memorable hamster year.

Wish you guys Pretty, Healthy, Happy and Wealthy forever~~

Attached is a video clip showing on how I celebrated my new year this year. =)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Efforts Gone

I have been busy working out on something lately, it was like doing my final year project with a lot of efforts, sweats, sleepless nights, blood and tears (no blood and tears don't worry, haha~), but then suddenly there was a bolt from the blue...My project data was GONE due to running out of memory!! BACKUP WAS CORRUPTED! ALL GONE! And the only way to solve this problem is to redo the whole thing again. If it was my final year project, then i will cry to death. Fortunately it wasn't, haha, but I felt upset too.. So here is my advice, next time do remember to have as many backups as you can when you start doing a project (though i have two backups). Second, don't do overload of works, do it short and simple, lastly and most importantly have enough sleep! To my friends who are doing their final year project, don't do last minute works, start your research and work on your project now even though you still have countless time as time past without noticing, the moment you blink your eyes, due date is tomorrow. Gambate! My friends~

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Meaningful Advice from My Dearest Aunt

My leng lui aunt (my twin cousins' mother) instructed me to go upstair, she got something to tell me. I sensed that she would tell me something related to him. I took a deep breath, be prepared to listen to her advice, actually i didn't feel annoyed at all but i love to listen to her advice.

And the most awkward thing was....she just stared at me and I started to cry without reasons. She never opened her mouth but my tears poured out like rain, wow~~she's really POWERFUL.

My aunt knew what had happened to me for the past few days, actually she didnt want to get involved but my mum asked her to talk to me. She understands that i seldom talk to my parents but my mum knows it whenever i am upset, is just that she doesn't know how to comfort, advice and express her feelings towards me, i know it too. I know my mum really worries about me, i shouldnt let her worried anymore as i know when i have gone through deep depression she is always there by my side, looking after me wordless but upset in heart, she always put her kids at the first place, everything she does is for our own goods. Sorry mum..i won't let you worried anymore.

When you don't fall, you won't know how to stand up. Fall and gain experiences so that next time you can avoid those holes and obtacles that make you fall, so that next time you can be smarter to choose which way to go to prevent yourself from falling. And it could be lesson to others too. Need to remind my partner - V, i hope you really learn from past experiences and be smart too.

*No Pain No Gain*

My aunt told me to choose guys with below conditions:

1) Find a guy that love you more than you love him, always put you before him.

2) Don't trust a guy 100%, especially personal things eg: don't let guy to stand beside you when you withdraw money from atm, always take handbag yourself, don't let other guys to take for you, etc.

3) Find a guy that respects and showing cares for your friends, family, relatives, and especially you yourself.

Cherish someone that brings smile on your face when you think back the past but not for someone that brings tears to you. She asked me to think twice, when i reflect about my past, is his love genuine? If it is not genuine then it is not worth for me to cry. Yes, i don't think his love is genuine, it is FAKE after all! Those were no longer sweet memories but memories that filled with cheats and lies.

My parents opposed me to take part in acting since secondary school. But because of my aunt, i got the chance to act on stage which is my favourite interest in life. She advised my mum to let me to participate in dramas, she supports me very much! When she walked out from the theater after watching my act, she told my mum," You had made the right decision." She felt proud of me and i cried non stop while listening to her.

My aunt always think that i am a strong and independent girl, if i can act good on stage i can act good in real life too, she believes that i can be strong and stand up once again. She ended the conversation with a sweet long hug by saying "I Love You." Soft but yet warm. Though she is not my mum but she treats me as her own daughter, i really feel great and happy. Wish her healthy, happy and pretty forever. Thanks a lot, aunty Ivy.

Work Holiday

Hey guys, my bloggy is opened to anyone to leave comments, not necessary need to own a Google account, i have changed the setting.

Have you ever dream of working and travelling at the same time?

If it is a "YES" in your mind, then JOIN me!! Leave comments to me, we will plan together haha~~

I found this interesting plan in Sin Chew newspaper on 29/1/08, you can work and travel either in England for two years or New Zealand for half year. Though England looks more appealing because of the rates, for me, i prefer to work in New Zealand. I always think that New Zealand is a nice place to stay, very relaxing and healthy with fresh air, green view, with a lot of bull bull, cow cow, sheep sheep, flower flower, sun sun (if there is more than one sun on earth, then there is no sign of bull bull, cow cow, sheep sheep, human human, etc on earth anymore,haha..). What am i talking about? Ok pull back to topic. In New Zealand you can choose to work in farm house or fruit garden, etc. For animal lover like me, it'll be a joy to work with a bunch of animals. Haha~~

It is limited to 1,150 people from age 18-30, FIRST COME FIRST SERVE. For those who interested, please log on to the following website to register:

1) for England

2) for New Zealand.

I am planning to go with my colleague but it seems that my parents do not allow me to go. I told them about this plan but my dad disagreed by saying it's bogus, cheating people, but this news was published in Sin Chew newspaper, how can it be unreal?

Friday, February 1, 2008