I have been busy working out on something lately, it was like doing my final year project with a lot of efforts, sweats, sleepless nights, blood and tears (no blood and tears don't worry, haha~), but then suddenly there was a bolt from the blue...My project data was GONE due to running out of memory!! BACKUP WAS CORRUPTED! ALL GONE! And the only way to solve this problem is to redo the whole thing again. If it was my final year project, then i will cry to death. Fortunately it wasn't, haha, but I felt upset too.. So here is my advice, next time do remember to have as many backups as you can when you start doing a project (though i have two backups). Second, don't do overload of works, do it short and simple, lastly and most importantly have enough sleep! To my friends who are doing their final year project, don't do last minute works, start your research and work on your project now even though you still have countless time as time past without noticing, the moment you blink your eyes, due date is tomorrow. Gambate! My friends~
5 weeks ago
Pitty girl,finally you have a useful lesson. :P
yes,ur efforts not gone,everybody feels it including me,that's sure,dun worry,and get enough sleep :)
不过还好, 现在懂得怎样做后备了...
还记得我跟你讲过的话吗? 一切要小心哦...
我也是要开始加油了, 因为要赶功课了咯... 哈...
古代的人, 在等着...
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